In a single word, yes. However, this is not to say that you can’t wear sunglasses whenever you require them. By “all of the time”, we really do mean all of the time – Bono style. And anyway, there’s a flipside to this question – sometimes,not wearing sunglasses can be even worse for your eyes.

Olympic eyewear, bulk sunglasses wholesalers, saythat it should always be kept in mind thathowever fashionable sunglasses are, they are also practical products designed to protect your eyes. Whatever damage wearing sunglasses all the time can do, not wearing them when driving in glare or when the sun is beaming down can be even worse!

Yet, it is nevertheless true that wearing sunglasses 100% of the time the time is not advised. But why is this? To understand this, it is wise to look a little at the how sunglasses work. As it happens, the reason wearing sunglasses all the time can be harmful is closely related to how they protect your eyes.

How Do Sunglasses Protect Our Eyes?

Sunglasses work according to a quite simple principle – when you look through a pair of dark tinted sunglasses,some of the light is filtered out. In other words, your eyes are exposed to less light on account of looking through these sunglasses. Our pupils dilate when seeing less light, in order to take in more.

This is an involuntary reflex controlled by our central nervous system and it is responsible for allowing us to see in the dark as well as in bright light. The opposite happens too – in bright light our pupils contract in order to take in less.

Sunglasses come into the equation when this dilation and contraction reflex is simply not good enough to prevent eye damage from taking in too much light. Your pupils can only contract so much and, in bright sunlight, there is still far too much light being taken in. Sunglasses pick up the slack. So far, so good.

How Sunglasses Can be Dangerous

However, when you wear sunglasses all the time – especially indoors and in dim light– your pupils will be constantly dilated, trying their best to take in as much light as possible. Extended periods of pupil dilation is where the trouble comes from. It is well known that squinting constantly in dim conditions (with pupils at full dilation) can reduce your eyes’ ability to react to bright light, which is the contraction of the pupils.

If your pupils struggle with bright light, then you could find that being exposed to it will become painful or at least put your eyes under an excessive amount of strain. The reflex will also be dulled and will become less wieldy. To put it another way, your eyes will simply be more sluggish when adjusting to changing light conditions if you keep them in the shade of your sunglasses for too long.

But What About Sleeping?

Good question! Our eyes are indeed closed for extended periods of time when we sleep, and therefore the pupils are dilated. However, the difference here is precisely that we are sleeping. This is an altered state, and the central nervous system reacts to this, which does not put your eyes under as much as strain as when you are in dim conditions and awake.

So, in summary, yes – it is not advised to have your sunglasses on all the time. However, if you simply just use them when they are needed or whenever you are out of doors, then you certainly have nothing to worry about.

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