Brighten up a dark outfit with light gray shoes. For this look, you can choose ankle boots, flats, heels, boat shoes, espadrilles or loafers. This combination will be particularly interesting if you like to wear black or dark shades of blue, purple or green, but still want a touch of cheerfulness. The light gray shoes are not colored, but they still bring a touch of softness to the outfit and help balance .

Black jeans with a dark plum blouse or shirt will go very well with a pair of ballet flats, trendy sneakers or light gray oxfords.

For a more casual outfit, pair forest green pants with a black top and top it all off with ballet flats or light gray espadrilles.

Balance a busy and colorful outfit with gray shoes. The neutrality of the shoe will not overshadow the clothes and will give you great freedom to compose the rest of the outfit. Bold patterns and bright colors look best with shoes and subtle accessories

For a dressier outfit, choose a pair of gray heels or pointed-toe flats in the same color. For a casual look, wear ballet flats or a pair of trendy sneakers.

For example, wear coral pants with a navy sweater. Top it all off with light gray sneakers and a silver watch.

For a bold evening outfit, wear a bright red skirt and a white polka dot blouse. Add a pair of anthracite gray low heels and you’re done!

For example, dark jeans and a nice sweater paired with derbies or gray ankle boots will give you an outfit that’s dressy enough for a dinner date with friends.

For a casual but chic look, choose for example gray ankle boots with casual boyfriend jeans, a t-shirt, an oversized sweater and a patterned shawl

Slightly faded jeans and charcoal gray sneakers will give you the perfect outfit for running errands or going to the movies.

For a more polished look, wear dark skinny jeans and gray dress shoes. This pretty outfit can be worn for a party or a special dinner

Tapered jeans and a plain or patterned t-shirt will give you a more elegant outfit if they are associated with oxfords or suede ballet flats.

For a more sophisticated outfit, wear skinny black jeans with a dressy top, like a cream blouse or knit sweater. Top it all off with a pair of suede ballet flats or derbies.

Put on a pair of gray sneakers with your sports shorts. Instead of wearing an old pair of sneakers, prefer pretty gray sneakers, with which you can go to play sports, do your shopping or join your friends in the park! Prefer low sneakers, for a casual

A nice white t-shirt and navy blue shorts will be the most elegant with gray sneakers. Bring a zipped jacket in case the weather turns cold!

Put on your favorite jeans, a black and white striped top and your gray canvas sneakers: this is a casual and very comfortable outfit.

For a very simple outfit, choose shorts and a graphic t-shirt. Put on your canvas shoes and let’s go!

Wear light gray shoes with a dark suit. Navy, charcoal gray and black suits can all be worn with gray shoes. Suede shoes will often look the best, especially if you don’t want to wear shiny  shoes .

This look is ideal for going to the office or for going to a dinner party or a chic event.

Create a sophisticated monochromatic outfit. Here, the most important thing will be that the pieces are all the same shade of gray. Otherwise, the effect will not be the desired one  [10] .

If the result is too plain for you, choose gray dress shoes that are a shade darker than the rest of your outfit.

For a professional look, choose tailored black trousers and a light gray turtleneck. Complete the outfit with small light gray heels.

If you don’t like to wear heels, choose gray ballet flats. Prefer a model with pointed ends, for a more elegant result or opt for rounded ends for a more sober look.

Wear a pair of classic gray sneakers with a smart suit. This outfit will not be easy to compose and will not find its place in all situations. The most suitable context for this set would be a festive evening or a special event, but for which you can let your sense of fashion speak

Do not wear shoes that you would wear for sports. Trendy sneakers will be in order for this look.

To create the casual chic effect, wear a nice white or black t-shirt under your suit jacket, rather than a shirt.

If sneakers seem too casual for the situation, try a pair of chukkas. These shoes are less dressy than derbies or Oxfords, but they still bring a touch of elegance to the outfit.

For a date, wear them with colorful pants. Blue, red and olive pants bring eccentricity to the outfit and are perfect with dress shoes or gray pumps. Always choose pants that are close to the body and well cut and opt for a top in a more discreet shade, for the most elegant result

Wear red skinny pants with a black blouse and dark gray suede heels for a smart outfit that’s perfect for a date or a day at the office.

Pair Egyptian blue or azure blue trousers with light gray brogues. Complete the look with a leaf green sweater, for a lively and edgy combination.

Match your belt to your shoes, for a neat result. Especially if you are wearing a suit, it will be better to choose accessories (shoes, belts, etc.) of the same shade of gray. The effect could otherwise be somewhat sloppy and mismatched. Avoid wearing gray shoes with a brown belt  [14] .

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